Welcome to Mirelle Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine

Wellness, Aesthetics, Education & Excellence




Eye Rejuvenation, Eyelash & Eyebrow Treatments in Wall Township NJ


A Safe Clinical Environment, Experienced Providers & Guaranteed Results

A Trusted Lutronic Partner

Keralase® Eyebrow Rejuvenation at Mirelle

Unlocking Eyebrow Growth: The Mechanism Behind KERALASE®

KERALASE®, powered by the LaseMD Thulium laser and enriched with the proprietary Kerafactor serum, offers a targeted solution for promoting eyebrow hair growth. Let's delve into the intricate process through which KERALASE® stimulates hair follicles and induces the active growth phase.

The Process:

1. Microchannel Creation:

  - The LaseMD Thulium laser generates microchannels in the skin, creating pathways for the Kerafactor serum to deeply penetrate the hair follicles.

2. Kerafactor Serum Components:

  - Kerafactor is a specialized hair growth serum containing key ingredients such as peptides, growth factors, and vitamins. These components synergistically work to stimulate hair growth and extend the anagen phase.

3. Anagen Phase Stimulation:

  - The anagen phase represents the active growth stage of the hair follicle cycle, characterized by rapid growth and firm anchoring in the scalp. Kerafactor stimulates dermal papilla cells at the follicle base, a critical factor in promoting hair growth.

4. Growth Factors in Action:

  - Kerafactor incorporates growth factors like FGF-7 and IGF-1, proven to stimulate dermal papilla cells. These growth factors bind to specific receptors, initiating signaling pathways that enhance cell proliferation, migration, and differentiation, ultimately fostering hair growth.

5. Peptides and Vitamins Support:

  - Essential peptides, including Acetyl Tetrapeptide-3, contribute to increased hair follicle size and hair growth stimulation. The vitamin B complex in Kerafactor supports healthy hair growth by promoting cell division and supplying vital nutrients.

6. Overall Impact:

  - Kerafactor combines growth factors, peptides, and vitamins to stimulate dermal papilla cells, creating an environment conducive to healthy hair growth. The serum aims to induce the anagen phase, revitalizing the hair follicles and promoting eyebrow growth.


KERALASE® stands at the forefront of eyebrow rejuvenation, employing the innovative combination of the LaseMD Thulium laser and the potent Kerafactor serum. By precisely targeting and stimulating hair follicles, KERALASE® aims to create a conducive environment for robust hair growth, offering a comprehensive solution for individuals seeking to enhance the fullness and vitality of their eyebrows.

Disclaimer: While there is substantial evidence to suggest the efficacy of certain ingredients in Kerafactor Serum, individual results may vary based on the underlying cause of eyebrow hair loss.

Transforming Thinning Eyebrows with KERALASE Laser Rejuvenation

Thinning eyebrows can be a concern for many individuals, impacting facial aesthetics and self-confidence. Understanding the natural hair growth cycle is crucial in addressing this issue, and KERALASE Laser Rejuvenation emerges as a transformative solution. Let's explore how this innovative approach can revitalize thinning eyebrows.

Hair Growth Phases:

The hair growth cycle consists of three phases, each playing a vital role in the natural progression of hair follicles:

1. Anagen Phase:

  - This is the active growth phase, lasting 2-7 years, where hair actively elongates. The rate and duration vary based on genetics and other factors.

2. Catagen Phase:

  - A transitional phase lasting 2-3 weeks, during which the hair follicle begins to shrink and detach from the dermal papilla.

3. Telogen Phase:

  - The resting phase enduring approximately 3 months, where the hair follicle remains dormant. Old hair sheds, making way for new growth.

Understanding the Complexity:

Not all hair follicles are synchronized in the same growth phase simultaneously, resulting in variations in hair length. Various factors, including hormonal changes, medication, and nutrition, can influence the duration of each phase and overall hair growth.

KERALASE Laser Rejuvenation:

KERALASE Laser Rejuvenation offers a promising solution for thinning eyebrows. This advanced laser technology stimulates hair follicles in the anagen phase, promoting active growth. The precision and targeted nature of the laser enable rejuvenation without causing damage to surrounding tissues.

Benefits of KERALASE for Thinning Eyebrows:

1. Stimulation of Hair Follicles:

  - KERALASE laser targets hair follicles in the active growth phase, promoting stimulation and revitalization.

2. Precision and Safety:

  - The laser ensures precise targeting, minimizing the risk of damage to surrounding tissues and providing a safe rejuvenation experience.

3. Improved Aesthetics and Confidence:

  - By addressing thinning eyebrows, KERALASE contributes to improved facial aesthetics and enhances individual confidence.


KERALASE Laser Rejuvenation emerges as a transformative solution for those dealing with thinning eyebrows. Understanding the intricacies of the hair growth cycle and the targeted stimulation provided by this advanced laser technology highlights its potential to rejuvenate and revitalize eyebrows, fostering enhanced aesthetics and self-assurance.

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Non-Surgical Eye Rejuvenation and Eyebrow Lift at Mirelle

Non-surgical eye rejuvenation and eyebrow lift procedures are at the forefront of cosmetic innovations, aiming to refresh the eye area by tightening the skin around the eyes and elevating the eyebrows to a more youthful position—all achieved without the need for invasive surgery.

At Mirelle, we offer a range of non-surgical options to revitalize the eyes, providing our clients with effective and minimally invasive solutions.

Non-Surgical Options Available at Mirelle:

1. Injectables:

  - *Botox and Dysport:* Targeted injections to relax muscles and reduce the appearance of crow's feet and fine lines around the eyes.

  - *Dermal Fillers:* Injectable fillers to restore volume and smooth wrinkles, enhancing the overall contour of the eye area.

2. Growth Factor Serum:

  - Specialized serums containing growth factors that stimulate skin renewal and contribute to a more youthful appearance.

3. Collagen Building Modalities:

  - *Microneedling:* Precise micro-penetrations stimulate collagen production, improving skin texture and firmness.

  - *RF Microneedling (Genius):* Radiofrequency-assisted microneedling for enhanced skin tightening and rejuvenation.

4. Needle-Free Treatments:

  - *Exilis Ultra 360:* Utilizes radiofrequency and ultrasound for non-invasive skin tightening, promoting a lifted and youthful look.

5. Chemical Peels:

  - Customized chemical peels to exfoliate and renew the skin, addressing pigmentation, fine lines, and overall texture.

6. Diamond Glow®:

  - Advanced exfoliation and extraction system to reveal smoother, brighter skin around the eyes.

7. Laser Skin Rejuvenation:

  - Laser treatments to address various skin concerns, including wrinkles, sun damage, and uneven skin tone.

8. Pharmaceutical Grade Skin Care Products:

  - Curated selection including Dr. Ianculovici Rx, Skin Medica, and AnteAge MD, offering professional-grade skincare

for ongoing maintenance and enhancement.


Mirelle brings a comprehensive array of non-surgical options for eye rejuvenation and eyebrow lift, tailored to meet individual needs.

Our expert team combines injectables, advanced treatments, and skincare products to achieve natural-looking results

without the downtime associated with surgical procedures.

Elevate your aesthetic journey with Mirelle's non-surgical solutions for a refreshed and youthful eye area.

Botox/Dysport: Botox and Dysport injections can be used to relax the muscles that pull the eyebrows down, which can lift the eyebrows and create a more youthful appearance.

Botox/Dysport — Wall, NJ —Mirelle Anti Aging
Dermal Fillers— Wall, NJ —Mirelle Anti Aging

Dermal Fillers: Dermal fillers can be used to lift the cheeks or/and the eyebrows by filling in areas that have lost volume due to age, and create a lifted effect.

PRFM Growth Factor Serum Injections: Stimulate dermal repair and collagen formation to restore a youthful appearance.

PRFM Plasma Ge— Wall, NJ —Mirelle Anti Aging
Thread Lift— Wall, NJ —Mirelle Anti Aging

Thread Lift: A thread lift involves inserting thin threads underneath the skin to lift and tighten the skin, which can help to elevate the eyebrows.

Radio-Frequency (RF) and Mono-polar Ultrasound Therapy: RF and Mono-polar Ultrasound therapy can be used to stimulate collagen production in the skin around the eyebrows, which can tighten and lift the skin.


Exilis Ultra 360 is a non-invasive cosmetic treatment that uses radiofrequency and ultrasound technology to tighten and firm skin. It can be used on different parts of the body to improve the appearance of sagging skin, such as the face, neck, arms, abdomen, thighs, and buttocks. In addition, Exilis Ultra 360 can be used for lip and eye rejuvenation, as it can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around these areas. The treatment is designed to stimulate collagen production, which can result in tighter, smoother, and more youthful-looking skin.

Exilis Ultra 360 — Wall, NJ —Mirelle Anti Aging
SkinPen Microneedling — Wall, NJ —Mirelle Anti Aging

Microneedling: By creating targeted micro-injuries to the skin using  an FDA approved microneedling device, your provider can stimulate collagen growth in the delicate eye area for a tighter, lifted look.

Genius® RF Microneedling: Lutronic Genius® delivers precision in every pulse. Exact depth is impeccably achieved with superior needle and hand piece design, ensuring consistently brilliant results on face, neck and multiple body areas. Pinpoint coagulation zones are achieved while maintaining maximum patient comfort through Real-Time Impedance Monitoring. A similar concept to microneedling, however the Genius® is an intelligent medical device equipped with that allows your provider to deliver targeted energy to three different levels in your skin to facilitate repair and stimulate new collagen formation.

RF Microneedling— Wall, NJ —Mirelle Anti Aging
Laser Skin Resurfacing — Wall, NJ —Mirelle Anti Aging

Laser Treatments: Allow us to rejuvenate your face and especially to the delicate eye area using our Thulium LaseMD laser. Dramatically different from traditional resurfacing lasers, Lutronic ULTRA™ rebuilds glowing, healthy skin through non-ablative fractionated treatments. Tunable from mild to aggressive Lutronic Ultra® offers customized outcomes with virtually no downtime for all skin types, and most importantly, all year round.   

Yumi® Keratin Eyelash Lift & Tint: Are you tired of dealing with

      the aftermath of harsh lash perming and extensions? Do your

      once-luscious lashes appear thin, weak, and damaged? We

      have the perfect solution for you! Introducing the Yumi® Lash   

      Lift & Tint Keratin Treatment, a revolutionary approach to repair

      and rejuvenate your delicate lashes, giving them a voluminous

      and natural look like never before.

Rejuvenate Your Lashes with Yumi® Lash Lift & Tint Keratin Treatment

Understanding the Damage

Over time, repeated lash perming and extensions can take a toll on your natural lashes. Harsh chemicals and glues weaken the lash structure, causing breakage, thinning, and even loss of lashes. As a result, your lashes may lose their vitality and appear lackluster, leaving you feeling self-conscious about your eyes.
The Yumi Difference

Yumi Lash Lift and Tint Keratin Treatment is a game-changer when it comes to lash restoration. Unlike traditional lash perming, the Yumi technique uses a nourishing keratin formula that penetrates deep into each lash, promoting strength and growth from the root. The results are not only stunning but also long-lasting, as the treatment doesn't compromise the health of your natural lashes.

How Yumi® Works its Magic:

1. Keratin Infusion: The Yumi treatment begins with the application of a specially formulated keratin solution to each individual lash. This infusion ensures that the lashes receive the essential nutrients needed for growth and repair.

2. Lift and Tint: Our skilled technicians delicately lift your lashes, creating a beautiful upward curl that opens up your eyes and adds a touch of elegance to your overall look. The added tint further enhances the color of your lashes, making them appear darker and fuller.

3. Strengthening and Repair:The keratin penetrates deep into the lash fibers, repairing any damage caused by previous treatments or harsh environmental factors. This process promotes the growth of stronger and healthier lashes.

The Benefits of Yumi® Lash Lift and Tint Keratin Treatment:

1. Gentle and Safe: Yumi is a gentle treatment that works with your natural lashes, avoiding any harsh chemicals or glues that may further damage your lashes.

2. Long-Lasting Results: Unlike traditional lash perms that may last a few weeks, Yumi's results can stay visible for up to 8-12 weeks, with minimal maintenance required.

3. Customizable: The Yumi treatment is customizable to suit your unique eye shape and desired lash look, providing you with natural, eye-catching results.

4. No More Mascara Hassle: With darker, lifted, and tinted lashes, you can say goodbye to the daily mascara routine. Wake up every day with effortlessly beautiful lashes.

5. Boosts Confidence: Restoring your lashes with Yumi can significantly boost your self-confidence. Feel more radiant and rejuvenated with every flutter of your lashes.

Experience The Yumi® Difference at Mirelle

At Mirelle, we take pride in offering the most innovative and effective lash treatments to our valued customers. Our team of skilled and certified technicians is committed to delivering safe and remarkable results. Rejuvenate your lashes with our Yumi® Lash Lift and Tint Keratin Treatment, and say hello to thicker, healthier, and more beautiful lashes.

Book Your Appointment Today

Don't let damaged lashes hold you back any longer. Embrace the Yumi® Lash Lift and Tint Keratin Treatment experience at Mirelle!

 Visit us and witness the magic of this revolutionary lash treatment. Reclaim your beautiful lashes and bat them with confidence!

Are you ready to elevate your lash game?

Book your appointment now and unlock the secret to naturally stunning lashes with Yumi Lash Lift and Tint Keratin Treatment!

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